How to run a social media campaign in China?

Few weeks ago, I was attending a WebAnalytics Wednesday in Hong Kong, the presentation was about social media campaign management in China and how campaign planning and strategy how-to are different in China versus western countries. This event was conducted by Charlie Wang from Tribal DDB Hong Kong and the case study was relying on his own personal experience as Data Analytics director in a Beijing local consulting agency.

This session was a great first introduction to social media behavior in China, and I kept in mind and now highlight some concepts that I would like to share: how to create brand/product awareness and follow up on China social media landscape.

Assuming that you are willing to launch offline, follow up online & looking for social media resonance.

Here is below the big picture, basically campaign management concepts are the same everywhere but the means and tools are not.

I will emphasize each point that arose my curiosity* !

1. Campaign definition

This first step is basically when you start pitching your campaign: you need to tell a story to convince your client or boss that this way you will arise awareness about the brand/product. You will define here your communication, your target and quickly how-to. Let’s take for example the launch of a new book. I’ll plan here to organize several events in book store, library, supermarket… with a signature session & flyers distribution. The flyers will contain a QR code, dedicated website, coupon code… whatever you want to lead the on internet to search for you.

2. Campaign conversion metrics definition

Now I’ll define my goals. Well, my point being to succeed in the launching of a new book, my primary goal is clearly set: orders (conversion rate…)
In the meantime, I’ll set subsidiary objectives like:
– eCommerce oriented: how many people scan my QR code, visit my dedicated website, contact me for more information, add the book to their card…
– Social media | Branding oriented: how many people search for the book, comment about the book, shared the website, “liked the book”…

Those KPI should be measured by quantity & quality, for example you could measure the volume of people that comment about your post & the audience engagement = (comments + share + trackbacks)/total post views. Check here the main metrics for reporting about a social media campaign.

3. Campaign buzz set up

In this step, you will create your landing pages, your dedicated website, set up the tagging… & select the channel you want to target.
When regarding social media, in western countries we will focus on Facebook & Twitter whatever the target is. In China the social media landscape is much more scattered and you choose your channel in function of your target age & location. Plus you have to get the difference between SNS and BBS.

Among those:

Select by typology of platform (SNS & BBS usage)

By age and location

The China Social Network Report says 54% of of China internet users today own or visit blogs, and 47% have a page on one or more social networking sites (SNS). More than 25% write 10 or more posts on forums, blogs or SNS every day, 92% visit social media pages at least three times a week, while 27% have pages on five or more social networks. Behind China’s great Firewall

4. Campaign buzz nourishing

About social media seeding:
“Social Media Seeding is the process of generating buzz and interest in your product or brand within Forums, communities and other social environments. The key to effective Social Seeding is identifying the key target communities and seeding information in a natural and effective fashion, without spamming and without causing undue offence.”

In this particular case, we will use professional seeders to write positive content about the book in several blogs & BBS and if necessary try rise a controversy to attract more real people and get more content. This is not very common in western countries but it has to be done for a effective social media campaign in China.

5. Campaign data analysing

2 questions here, which platform & which metrics?
Social Media analytics, Cliquez pour agrandir

A lot of platform for social media monitoring or analysing are not in my list but pick yours regarding the functionalities, metrics, existing platform you are using knowing that this landscape is moving very fast! After Radian 6, Salesforce recently signed an agreement to acquire Buddy Media, Oracle is closing a deal with Collective Intellect…
Regarding the metrics, I’m still pretty convinced with those: share of voice, audience engagement, micro conversion rate and else.

Social media analytics : ROI & engagement

[:fr]Depuis quelques temps, je vois fleurir les articles et outils pour mesurer l’impact de nos campagnes de social média. Et depuis quelques temps je m’interroge sur le meilleur outil pour éviter d’avoir à tous les paramétrer, les exporter dans un tableau excel et enfin en faire un reporting via excel…
Aujourd’hui, je ne suis pas encore capable de répondre à cette question et mon bon vieux excel fait toujours autant l’affaire néanmoins, cela m’a permit de pousser un peu plus la réflexion, de me renseigner sur les outils, les tester, benchmarker…
Voila le fruit de ma réflexion, en espérant que cela puisse aider !

J’ai retenu pour mon benchmark :

  • ~ Google Analytics (difficile autrement…)
  • ~ SocialBakers
  • ~ Crowdbooster
  • ~ Social Radar / Alterian’s SM2… : outils qui se concentrent plus particulièrement sur des notions de tendances, analyse de marche portés sur l’innovation pour comprendre les besoins ou intérêts à venir des internautes
  • ~ Sprout Social
  • ~ sans parler des outils natifs tels que Facebook Insight, Twitter Insight, Youtube Analytics ou périphériques mais tout aussi utiles pour monitorer sa e-reputation : Google Alerts, TweetDeck, Klout, Omigili

. Ces outils ne peuvent pas être inclus dans le benchmark car le but est de centraliser l’info mais il est néanmoins utiles de la regarder en parallèle.

J’ai essayé de me focaliser sur une petite quantité de metrics pour ne pas monter une usine à gaz car nous avons déjà assez de tableaux et metrics a suivre. Et je pense que ce listing de metrics suffit amplement pour monitorer le social media au sein de son activité.

Social Media analytics, Cliquez pour agrandir

L’objectif de ce benchmark est de savoir comment mesurer à la fois le ROI et surtout l’engagement suscité par les campagnes de social média dans le cadre d’une activité ecommerce de petite ou moyenne envergure ; avoir un reporting simple qui permettent d’aider à la décision pour savoir ou accentuer l’effort et comment ?

En conclusion, je pense qu’au vue de ce tableau il est aisé de se dire que la meilleure recette aujourd’hui est de mixer un des ses outils pur social media analytics (Sprout Social ou SocialBakers) + un outil de web analytics tel que Google Analytics (pour les conversions et la vision globale de votre traffic) + les outils périphériques.

Aller plus loin :

Lire ce livre blanc qui detaille par objectifs business & presta spécialisés dans le social media analytics les metrics disponibles et qu’il est conseille de suivre :

NB : La liste des outils pour monitorer le social media est loin d’être exhaustive ! N’hesitez pas, si un outil manque cruellement 🙂

[:en]Since a few now, I read a lot about how to measure effectively and with which tool the impact of our social media campaigns. And for a while I wonder about the best way to avoid installing all the tools and export them to excel to create my own dashboard…
Well now, I am not yet able to answer to this and my old excel is still my best friend, however this pushed me to make some research, find out about the tools, test them, benchmark …
Here is the result of my surfing, hope it might help!

Here are the tools I checked closely:

  • ~ Google Analytics (impossible without it…)
  • ~ SocialBakers
  • ~ Crowdbooster
  • ~ Social Radar / Alterian’s SM2… : tools that focus specifically on trends, market analysis carried on innovation to understand the needs and interests of future users
  • ~ Sprout Social
  • ~ not to mention the native tools such as Facebook Insight, Insight Twitter, Youtube Analytics or others but equally useful to monitor your online reputation: Google Alerts, TweetDeck, Klout, Omigili

These tools cannot be included in this benchmark because my goal was to centralize the info but nevertheless you should look at them in the meantime.

I tried to focus on a small amount of metrics because we already have enough dashboards and metrics to follow. And I think that this listing of metrics is more than sufficient to monitor the social media in your business.

Social Media analytics, Click to zoom in

My point was to know how to measure both ROI and engagement generated by social media campaigns as part of an ecommerce business (small and medium scale), have a simple reporting that assist emarketers in the decisionmaking part about social media : should I increase the effort and how?

In conclusion, I think that the best recipe today is a mix of pure social media analytics tools (like Sprout Social or SocialBakers) + a web analytics tool such as Google Analytics (for conversions and global view of your traffic) + others peripherics tools.

Learn more :

Read this whitepaper

How to.. Facebook ?

[:fr]Dans la série des “How to…”, voici un Ebook tout récent sur le sujet des page marque Facebook.
“How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 Days” HubSpot’s.
Bien sur, il est peu probable qu’en 10 jours votre marque devienne une star de Facebook, conquiert 10 000 fans sincèrement engagés, que 20% de votre trafic vienne de Facebook et transforme… Néanmoins ce livre blanc donne de bonnes pratiques pour réussir son lancement sur Facebook et optimiser sa présence sur ce réseau social.

En quelques mots, voici les tips évoqués (sinon pour les + courageux, vous pouvez le télécharger ici):

  • Watch and Learn : Faites un benchmark des pages marques facebook les plus influentes et de vos concurrents. Etudiez-les et inspirez-vous !
  • Comprendre les best practices de Facebook (ex. l’objectif primaire sur Facebook est de créer de l’engagement, utiliser la règle du 80/20 pour ce qui est de la répartition post promotionnel/post de contenu)
  • Parler le Facebook-ese : App, Fan, Feed, Like, Open Graph…
  • Creer une page de Bienvenue personnalisee : cette landing page doit être une invitation a “liker” votre marque, les exemples reussis sont legions (Coca cola, Oreo…)
  • Planifier votre presence, Faites un calendrier des différents contenus a publier (Lundi : quizz | Mardi : Temoignages…)
  • Ayez conscience du Edgerank de Facebook : algorithme de Facebook qui en fonction de votre pertinence, de l’interaction avec vos fans, fréquence de post… vous positionne dans le news feed de vos Fans.
  • Soyez innovant, fun… : événement en live, vidéo, lancement produit…
  • Faites de la pub sur Facebook, ciblée bien sur 🙂
  • Utiliser Facebook Insight : analysez, testez, optimisez…

Ce dernier point est d’ailleurs un sujet sur lequel je reviendrais pour mon prochain post sur les outils de webanalytics et le social media.

[:en] “How to..” time ! Here is a new Ebook on the topic of Facebook marketing management.
“How to Master Facebook Marketing in 10 Days” HubSpot’s
Sure, it seems unlikely that within 10 days your brand will become a Facebook star, won 10,000 fans sincerely committed, that 20% of your online traffic will come from Facebook and convert into customer … Nevertheless this ebook provides some useful best practices for a successful launch on Facebook and how to maximize its presence on the social network.

Time to share, the tips (and if you want to read it, it’s right here) :

  • Evaluate successful Facebook pages : benchmark the most successful brands online + your competitors, study their tips and get some inspiration from them !
  • Understand Facebook best practices : don’t forget that Facebook users are not on facebook to buy, you should create engagement and use the 80/20 regarding your post managing (20% promo post & 80% engaging content)
  • Speak Facebook-ese : App, Fan, Feed, Like, Open Graph…
  • Create custom Welcome Pages : you r landing page must to engaging enough to lead users to Like you (some examples here Coca cola, Oreo
  • Create a content calendar, plan your online presence and intervention
  • Understand EdgeRank and the art of engagement : Facebook algorithm that based on your relevance, interaction with your fans, frequency of post … positions you in the news feed of your Fans.
  • Put on a show, Create a contest, Be innovative, Use video
  • Run a targeted ad campaign on Facebook
  • Use Facebook’s analytics package ‘Insights’ : analyze, test and optimize

What a good introduction for my coming topic : “Webanalytics tools for Social media